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Lifestyle Tips from a Vegan Athlete

Episode 4 - Lifestyle Tips from a Vegan Athlete - Dr. Stephanie Peacock


Former athlete turned doctor, Dr. Stephanie Peacock is truly passionate about what a whole food plant based diet can do for our bodies and health. Her mission is to guide her clients back to their body’s innate healing capabilities through plant based nutrition, reduction in environmental toxin exposure, and other lifestyle factors.


In this episode we discuss:


  • How athletic performance can benefit by eating a plant based diet

  • How environmental toxics in our home and daily life can have an effect on our health

  • How to easily make the transition to eating a WFPB diet


Dr. Stephanie Peacock, DC is a former US national champion swimmer now coaching individuals to optimal plant based nutrition. She bridges the gap between whole food plant based and athletic needs, making it possible to do both and succeed. Stephanie works virtually as a nutrition & wellness coach, specializing in: individual meal plans, athletic requirements, and weight loss. Her coaching program revolves around foundational wellness and includes hundreds of her own recipes.


Find out more about Dr. Stephanie Peacock:



Instagram:  wfpb_doctor



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