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Really Thick Vanilla Chia Pudding

I strongly dislike runny chia pudding. Here is how to make it really thick.


• 3 cups homemade almond milk (this is the secret, the recipe is below)

• 9 tbsp chia seeds

• 3 tbsp maple syrup

• 1 and 1/2 tsp vanilla extract


• Fresh berries

• Granola (I used my recipe from Eating Whole)

1. In a 32 oz. mason jar whisk together the milk, chia seeds, maple syrup and vanilla. Whisk every 5 minutes for 15 minutes total. Once well incorporated, put the lid on and place in your refrigerator overnight or at least 4 hours.

2. Once thickened, stir once more. Assemble your bowl and garnish with any toppings ha from the list above.

makes 4 cups.

Homemade Almond Milk - the key to a really thick chia pudding


• 4 cups water

• 1 cup raw almonds (soaked & drained)

• 4 tbsp maple syrup

• 1 tsp vanilla extract

• a pinch of salt

• a nut milk bag or a large piece of

cheesecloth for straining the milk

1. Add all ingredients to a high speed blender, blend on high for at least 1 minute.

2. Carefully pour the mixture through the cheesecloth or nut milk bag over a large bowl & then transfer the milk to a glass jar or bottle with a lid. Discard the pulp (or keep for another recipe).

3. Keep in the fridge in the glass container tightly sealed. This will last about 5 days. The mixture will separate, so just shake or stir each time before enjoying.

makes a little over 4 cups.

Watch the video version here:

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